Throughout the day when we are working and out and about, we touch many things and it’s drilled into us that we must wash our hands regularly to get rid of dirt and grime and bacteria.  Well, it’s the same for the skin on our face.

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Think about how many times you might touch your face in one day… 200, 400? Actually, studies show that on average it can be as many as 2000-3000 times a day! Whether it’s applying make-up and sun cream, scratching your nose, coughing or leaning on your hand it’s a lot more than you’d think.

Your skin goes through a lot

Also our skin is exposed to other factors such as sunlight, air pollution, cigarette smoke, grease from food – and all of these can contribute to skin problems such as blocked pores, break outs and sensitivity. So it’s important to deep cleanse the skin to help prevent skin problems occurring.

During the evening our skin repairs itself so it’s best that it’s free from any make-up, sweat and dirt that has accumulated throughout the day.

My top tip is to follow your skincare routine in the evening time instead of bed time, perhaps when you come home from work, when the dinner is cooking or in the ad break of your favourite TV show? Because if you leave it to bed time, and we have all done it before…you’re too sleepy or you have fallen asleep on the couch watching TV and all you want to do is to pop your pyjamas on and jump into bed.  Also this allows plenty time for your night cream to penetrate into the skin before bed time ensuring you spend money moisturising your face rather than your pillowcases!

Thanks for reading,
