A polish via DiamondTome Microdermabrasion that is… after suffering from problematic skin and uneven texture in the past I can confidently say this treatment works wonders. Not only does it leave the skin feeling wonderfully renewed and brighter but it can zone in on problem areas ensure your skin’s treated where it’s needed most.
Skin resurfacing
DiamondTome Microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing system fantastic for removing the topmost layer of skin leaving it more supple & vibrant along with reducing the effects of aging. It effectively exfoliates the skin using a diamond tipped wand to promote new, healthy skin.
Even though the results from a DiamondTome facial are amazingly clear the treatment itself is non-abrasive, pain free & requires no down time. Perfect for fitting into already jam packed lives!
To achieve maximum results we recommend a course of treatments however it can be used as a one off trouble shooting pick me up.
Or why not try one of my favourites and combine this with an Omnilux treatment… a natural method of light-only skin rejuvenation proven to repair and stimulate our skins’ cellular process? This would be the ideal treatment coming into the colder months to keep skin in tip top condition.
Treatments can be either 30 minutes or 60 minute which includes a massage and also a replenishing mask to hydrate and nourish the skin. You will also save £10 off your Omnilux treatment when combining it with a facial.
I hope you love the results as much as I do!
Helen, Hanover Street Salon