The ancient Indian healing system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that have a natural and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life” and is one of the world’s oldest medical systems with the philosophy that good health is governed by a balance of body, mind, and spirit.
According to this ancient healing system there are 3 personality types known as “Doshas”. The doshas are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We’re all made up of a unique combination of these three forces “doshas”.
Your unique combination is determined at the moment of conception and is your own personal blueprint. As you travel through life, the doshas alter according to their environment, diet, season, climate, age, and many other factors. Moving in and out of balance, these doshas can affect health, energy, and mood.
At Home | Daily rituals
To create equilibrium, Ayurvedic treatments and practices are designed to eliminate negative energy. Holding in stress and anxiety, for example, can manifest in illness.
To prevent this, full Ayurvedic cleanses release toxins from the body through specific massage techniques, diet, meditation, and Yoga.
This may be a lot for some people to fit into their lifestyle but adding a few rituals to your daily routine can really help readdress the balance
- Spend a few moments every morning connecting you to you. It’s all too easy to wake up and run out the door, as there never seems to be enough time. However, make some time for yourself. Drink a cup of tea somewhere quiet and comfortable and plan out your day. Take the dog for a walk or spend some time meditating to bring about self-awareness. Either way, make sure to start the day as stress-free as possible.
- Nourish your skin with oils. As well as feeding your skin, it’s a way of showing your body kindness and allows you to relax.
- Practice breath-work. We’re all guilty of it but find some time to really breathe. Breathing in deeply through the nose and out the mouth for 30 seconds somewhere quiet allows you to relax, focus and build your ability for self-reflection.
- Practice a few Yoga poses first thing in the morning and last thing at night to calm your breathing, heart and find your peace.
Zen recommend | Bespoke Zen Time– 60, 90 or 120 minutes, from £110
Take some well-deserved you time and allow Nicky to create a treatment experience that is just for you and your needs. After your in-depth consultation, Nicky will tailor your time to include massage techniques from the Reset, Connect and Awaken rituals which could include hands-on massage, Ayurvedic Kansa Wand, bamboo, hot stones, Reiki, guided breathing, or crystal healing.
By Nicky, Specialist Massage Therapist.
Nicky has spent the last 20 years working in the spa industry for high profile spa partners, specialising in holistic health, Ayurveda and Yoga. During this time Nicky travelled extensively educating and training therapists predominantly in India and Asia, it was during this time that her love of yoga was reignited and led to more formal learning of this discipline, deepening her knowledge of Ayurveda, meditation and wider wellness and enabling the integration of much of what she has learnt into her wellbeing treatments today.