Silky Smooth

Over the past decade or so one of the most revolutionary treatments to hit the beauty industry has to be laser or IPL hair reduction. When this technology first came into the market it was considered an ‘elite’treatment, affordable only by a few clients. Nowadays, with further developments of the technology and increased competition, an increasingly large consumer base can access this wonderful, life-enhancing treatment. For example, the upper lip can be treated for as little as £40per session. The most popular areas are facial hair, underarms, legs and bikini line for women, while the back is a popular area for men.

A life Changing treatment

Having had IPL myself, I can say that permanent hair removal really has been a life-changing experience. Personally, I have not waxed or shaved for years and I can hardly tell you how much more confident and feminine this makes me feel. I think it is the single most effective investment anyone can make in a beauty or cosmetic treatment. I love recommending this treatment to clients because I know that its works fantastically well. Providing a service that makes clients really delighted with the results is the most satisfying aspect to running a beauty clinic. I find that that clients tend to think about it for a while, but when they have had one area done they don’t hesitate to get other areas done too, and wonder why they put it off for so long. This is one treatment that I never hesitate to recommend to friends and family, as well as clients, because I am so confident they will be thrilled with the results.

Better than waxing

Waxing and shaving can be very irritating to the skin. Rashes and ingrown hairs are quite common and the area tends to suffer from dryness after waxing and shaving. Arranging waxing appointments in a salon is not always convenient and over the years the cumulative cost of this is substantial compared to a pemanent solution. In my opinion, the worst thing about waxing is that you are always in-between treatments. Shortly after removing the hair the area starts to get bristly again but it might be another three or four weeks before it’s ready for another wax. Shaving is much worse as you are not even removing hair by the root, as you are with waxing. With permanent hair reduction you are always completely smooth.

How does it, work?

IPL stands for intense putsed light. This technology has been clinically proven to be safe and effective for hair removal. It is also very efficient, fairly painless, and involves no downtime. Laser hair removal is a very similar technology using a slightly different output of light. These systems deliver a controlled, filtered flash of light to the hair. Pigment in the hair then converts the light into heat, which destroys the hair follicle, rendering it unable to produce new hair growth. For most clients, six to nine treatments are sufficient, with results getting better and better after each session. After the first three sessions you will notice a huge reduction.

How can you get started?

Wherever you go for this treatment you will need a thorough consultation and a patch test before your course can begin. At Zen Lifestyle we have been offering IPL hair removal for over eight years and have some of Scotland’s most experienced practitioners.
For a wide range of treats and treatments, visit Fiona’s luxurious Zen Lifestyle salons at 9 Bruntsfield Place (0131 477 3535) or 2-3 Teviot Place (0131 226 6777). For more info visit

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