We all love Christmas, its a great time to spent with family and an even greater excuse to over indulge in everything. However when it come to January it’s not so much fun….weird diets, even weirder detox regimes and generally a whole month of feeling deprived.
Well, at Zen we like have a fantastic inch loss treatment that will hopefully make the diet, the detox and feeling of being deprived feel like a thing of the past.
What is Mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is the non surgical alternative to liposuction, its particularly effective on stubborn area of stored fat which can sometimes feel impossible to shift. Mesotherapy treatments are carried out at one a week over the course of seven weeks, an easy to follow eating plan is given away with you on your first treatment meaning inch loss has never been so easy!
The Mesotherapy eating plan is designed to be followed throughout the seven weeks and assists the treatment greatly, suggested meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the plan along with recipes, making it easy for you to follow and more importantly even easier for you to stick too!
Popular areas for the Mesotherapy inch loss treatments are stomach, buttocks, thighs and of course the dreaded ‘bingo wings’. Cellulite can also be successfully treated using Mesotherapy, we offer combined Mesotherapy and Endermologie cellulite reduction courses helping you banish cellulite for good.
Results from Mesotherapy really are amazing, to book or find out more information, call us at Zen Teviot on 0131 226 6777.