It’s getting lighter in the mornings and soon we’ll be counting down the days till the clocks change. Personally, I tend to want to hibernate during the winter and its only about now I am beginning to feel motivated about getting myself back to a more healthy state! Recently, I have been going to the gym again and out for the occasional run and I must admit you do forget how much better it makes you feel.
And like many of you I’ve come to the conclusion there is only way to get fit and healthy. Eating less and making healthier food choices, combined with some form of regular exercise are the most reliable ways to keep your mind – and body – in good shape.
Fat reduction and cellulite treatments
However, there certain treatments in the salon that can really help enhance and speed up results such as Mesotherapy for fat reduction and cellulite treatments using Mesotherapy and Endermologie Lipomassage (I am a big fan of this!). The best results are for those clients that are being healthy with diet and exercise but need that extra help in toning or certain stubborn areas. We also have a great range of internal supplements which are great to take when trying to tone and firm up and get back on track. For more information on the supplements or treatments you can get a free consultation at either of the salons.
Healthy eating and exercise have benefits way beyond the aesthetics. It really does help your frame of mind. Personally, I feel more energized, focused and motivated as well. Did you know that exercise has been proven to help with depression?About 1 in 6 adults in the UK suffers from depression and improving our health and increasing exercise is one way of preventing/alleviating depression. Drinking more water helps a lot too. Drinking good amounts of water each day not only helps to hydrate your skin but you are also helping your mind stay healthy. We all know the mind and body work as one so if we want to look good on the outside we need to start with the basics and put in good quality fuel and exercise our bodies. Actually focusing more on the health benefits and less on our image make it easier to put these into practice and we then get the added bonus of looking great as well.
Perhaps like me you find it hard to keep up the momentum. You start well, and then it all falls by the wayside. I think the most important thing to remember is that doing a few small changes a can make a difference and just because you’re not good or miss the gym one day does not mean you need to give up altogether. The spring is a great time to get your exercise and healthy eating regime off to a gentle start. So good luck and here’s to looking and feeling healthy and happy!