Dr Murad –  Great skin from the inside out

Dr Murad, a leading dermatologist has helped millions of people globally to achieve healthy, beautiful skin. His range of facials available at Zen salons are ever popular, including the new Murad Environmental Shield Vitamin-C Facial which delivers pure vitamin C directly into the skin for maximum results against the elements of the environment. Although these treatments work a treat on the exterior, Mr Murad believes that the best approach to building a slimmer, younger and more energetic you is by starting from the cells up.
Dr Murad uses a three-pronged strategy that restores skin’s youthful strength and beauty by optimising the body’s ability to hold water in its cells and connective tissue. The result is nothing short of complete transformation in just 10 weeks – the amount of time it takes your body to replace most of its old weak cells with cells made strong through Inclusive Health.Internal Care Healing from theinside out. Maximising your body’s capacity to heal itself
requires careful choices of food and dietary supplements to ensure you are giving your body the building blocks it needs to produce strong, watertight cells to replace the old damaged ones. Topical Care Healing from the outside in. Just as protecting your cells with internal care, your topical care should provide antioxidants to protect skin from free radical damaging, antiinflammatories to prevent inflammatory damage and hydrators to strengthen the barrier function of your skin. Self Care taking care of your emotional needs. By giving yourself permission to engage in
activities you love, such as a facial or massage, you are reducing your levels of stress and improving your healthy hydration. Constant emotional stress is the enemy of health because it is the enemy of healthy cells.

Zen Lifestyle offers an array of services based upon this three pronged strategy. The Murad supplements are something Zen is confident to offer its clients. After testing and trialling these supplements, which support inclusive health, Fiona Fowley, creator of Zen salons, is pleased to offer such a high quality vitamin. She says, ‘Many of our clients use these supplements along with treatments such as Mesotherapy or cellulite/fat reduction treatments as they work well in conjunction with each other. However, many people also use these supplements without other treatments. A lot of our clients who try these supplements are often targeting one particular problem but notice so many other benefits and feel a boost in their general well being. Once a client has bought a box of Murad’s supplements, they generally come in and buy another.’ Fiona believes the balances of Murad supplements are the key to its quality. When taking supplements, it can become confusing and much of the vitamins you take aren’t absorbed well due to the imbalance. Murad’s supplements are the perfect balance to allow optimum absorption to help promote nice plump cell structure, which is important for good quality skin. On taking the range of supplements available from Zen,many of the clients have noticed an improvement in the quality and health of their skin, body, face, hair and generally feel much healthier and glowing. The packaging of these vitamins is also a bonus, Fiona feels. She says, ‘The supplements are packaged really well. They are in separate compartments with one for morning and one for evening, which is perfect for women on the go. They are always to be taken with food so if you miss your breakfast in the morning, you can  just rip off a sealed tablet and take it with you to work for when you next eat, there’s nothing rattling about in your handbag. ’Dr Murad has created a diagram based on the elements that should be making up your diet based on inclusive health. He says, ‘Even the best topical skincare products can only penetrate deeply enough to address about 20% of your skins needs. The other 80% is looked after by internal care including diet and supplements.’The Pitcher of Health is a roadmap to maximum rejuvenation that optimises your health internally, externally and emotionally. Mood driven trips to the fridge, usually end with gorging on foods that will drain your cells and deepen your dehydration. That’s why it’s so important to use the pitcher as a guide to help shape good food choices. As the shape and proportions of the pitcher suggest, the most prominent foods should be the most abundant in your diet.

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