Cellulite is a skin condition that affects between 80-90% of post pubertal females so it is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. It is commonly found on the tops of the legs, abdomen and also arms. It is caused by a collection of subcutaneous fat that is trapped between the connective tissue layers within the skin, and can be notoriously difficult to treat.

There is not one factor that can produce cellulite, but many. Some included hormonal factors, genetic factors and also problems with the microcirculatory system. It has been proven that a hectic lifestyle with high stress levels can also lead to cellulite.  So a woman who has an exceptionally good diet and lifestyle can be a sufferer of cellulite.

What is Endermologie Lipomassage?

Endermologie Lipomassage is a cellulite reduction treatment available at Zen Lifestyle beauty clinics in Edinburgh. It is the only cellulite reduction treatment that has gained US FDA approval. Endermologie is a machine assisted massage system that produces a 100% natural response with the body. During an Endermologie treatment roller heads are passed over the area of concern, and a rolling and lifting action takes place and it is this action that sends a signal deep down to the fat cells to produce a physical response. The 2 independent motorised roller heads on the machine can move in several different directions depending on what the desired objectives of the treatment. Other skin concerns that can also be treated with Endermologie include thin and wrinkled skin, and also fibrous tissues. During an Endermologie treatment the wears an Endermowear suit, which is a body stocking suit specific to LPG Endermologie, in order for the roller heads to be passed over the areas with ease.

The treatment has many benefits to different structures in the skin.

Lymphatic and Venous networks

Endermologie treats problems associated with venal failure such as ‘heavy leg’ sensation and water retention.

Fat Cells

The lipomassage treatment naturally boosts the release of fat cells to remove the fat cells.


With LPG’s exclusive patented treatment head, therapists can mobilise targeted muscles in order to help relieve tension and spasms.

Collagen & Elastin Fibres

These vital skin structures provide firmness and flexibility to the skin. Although these fibres decrease with age, the LPG techniques can naturally and gently reactivate their synthesis.

It is recommended that at least a course of 12 treatments (2 treatments per week) are carried out, however each client is individual so during a thorough consultation with one of our experienced therapists more treatments may be recommended to reach the desired results. During the consultation a photographic evaluation and a body analysis is carried out so the most appropriate treatment is delivered. As the treatments are carried out it is important to monitor the results against the objectives that were initially set, so from time to time more photos may be taken. When receiving a course of Endermologie clients are recommended to use do daily body brushing at home to aid the results. Many of our clients have also decided to take the Murad Firm and Tone Dietary supplements programme at to enhance and accelerate the benefits of Endermologie.

Endermologie Lipomassage is available at the Teviot Place and Hanover Street salons in Edinburgh city centre.

Phillipa Vaughan – Senior Therapist, Zen Bruntsfield.