We all know we need to drink lots of water and eat well to help maintain a healthy glow. During Christmas, we also know that good intentions fall by the wayside. But, what if I told you there’s a specially formulated collagen drink that can make your skin look healthier, younger and revitalised – sounds too good to be true, right?! Well it is true and it goes by the name of Skinade.

Part Season Saviour

Developed by leading UK scientists and only available in selected skin clinics throughout the UK, the multi award-winning Skinade is a natural peach and Mangosteen flavoured collagen drink combing six powerful active ingredients. Whereas traditional beauty products work on the skin’s surface, this beauty drink works from the inside helping to boost your body’s natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, reduce oxidative stress, increase hydration and improve the way your skin looks and feels in as little as 30 days.

It’s one of the few oral collagen treatments I’ve come across that really does work. It helps skin look more youthful, improve tone and texture as well as smooth furrow lines. I personally use Skinade daily and make no secret about the fact that I’m a huge fan of the product – and the results.

Targeted Solutions

In an exciting new development, the company has now launched Skinade Targeted Solutions® This is a professional grade range of products designed to provide targeted solutions to specific concerns. Skinade Targeted Solutions currently consists of the following 3 products:

  • Cellulite
  • Clear
  • Derma Defense A&D

More details on these products is available from our trained reception team and therapists in the salons.  Please just ask, we’re here to help. So, if you’re looking for a healthy glow or help to minimise the effects of late nights, sugar and alcohol on your skin, Skinade is the ultimate party season must-have delivering essential micronutrients in liquid form to all the places that need it most.

Skinade is a professional-only brand available from Zen Lifestyle on Hanover Street and Bruntsfield Place. 30-day packs cost £120. For more information call the salons on 0131 225 7009 or 0131 477 3535.